Water type dog Character type The Five Elements correspond to five types of dogs, these are not breed specific, although some breeds fit more into a certain element. While a dog’s character can fit into different elements, usually one element dominates. Characteristics of the dog's water type Calm, not pushy Alert Safety comes first Wise appearance Graceful way of moving Quirky More people-oriented No ‘follower’ Tail often carried low (also breed-bound) Not big eaters Physical and character traits Sensitive animals – gut feeling Sensitive to emotions and energies Alert, observant Calm, reserved, not pushy Lives out of caution and fear Safety first – shelter, distance Solitary Stubborn Shivering and trembling As fast as water Not big eaters Petite and slim Stop eating easily Lower pain threshold Work and sports for Water type dog Sport Work Dog racing Breeding animals Dog breeds Greyhounds German shepherd Danish dog German dog Vorige Volgende