
The five elements

The five element theory is used for example in acupuncture. The theory origins in Traditional Chinese Medicine. A medicine method that is more than 5000 years old Within Wu Xing the five element theory is used to make a character type classification of animals, based on your own observations regarding the behavior of your animal. It provides an additional approach to learn how to watch your animal. By looking at and observing your animal, you learn how to best deal with your animal (environment, nutrition and relationship). The character type classification will show that not every type is suitable for the possible purpose you have for it. The possibilities and impossibilities that arise from this, will help you to adjust your expectations. It gives more understanding regarding the reactions of the animal. It is also a reason to look at your animal completely differently.

Determine character type

To determine what type your animal is, you have to observe a lot. Observe your animal in different circumstances and try to look objectively. For the owner, this objectivity is always the most difficult. His or her impression is often influenced by what he or she wants to see.

The emotional connection with the animal sometimes clouds the objectivity. And the joined experiences also have an influence. (Once afraid of tractors, always afraid of tractors.) It’s recomended to do such an observation with someone else or to compare each other’s results.

The five elements are: water , wood , fire , earth and metal . Each element represents a specific character type. Read more about the elements on our site.

Every animal has a constitution (a number of strengths and weaknesses that characterize the animal). Usually the constitution of the horse fits into one or more elements. This does not mean that the animal only fits in one of these elements. In fact, the animal usually goes through all elements in its life.

Each element will have recognizable influences. Yet the animal has a constitution that is more or less constant. A number of strengths and weaknesses will characterize the animal and will continue to be. Of course there are many characteristics that are so subject to change. It is therefore important to identify the outlines that are more or less constant.

Wu Xing Fire Dog

Usually the type of your animal is a combination of a number of elements as the main type with characteristics of other elements. Occasionally it happens that the type of an animal consists of only one main type.

Herbal blends

Wu Xing offers a range of herbal blends based on the natural lifestyle and character of the animal.

Traditionally, an animal has been accustomed to eat a wide variety of food and to choose which food they want to eat. Wu Xing is in line with this natural filosophy. Just like humans, every animal is an individual and has its own character. It has certain needs and feelings. The need for nutrition is inextricably linked to taste and smell.

We often have a preference for a certain taste or smell. This is also the case with animals. That is why a special herbal blend has been developed for each type of animal, which is adapted to the character type. Attention has been paid to the eating habits and the discipline of the animal. In addition to these herbal mixtures, concentrate is of course required. .

Feeding advice for horses

The Wu Xing feeding advice method helps you find the right feed composition for your horse.

The feeding advice method consists of several steps.

  • First of all, the character of your horse is determined. Based on this result, you can decide for yourself which food suits your four-legged friend best.
  • Then you can determine the best balance between the different herbs, so that the entire ration matches the needs of your horse.

The choice and amount of feed does not only depend on the performance level, but also on the inner needs of your horse.

Determine your feeding advice with the 50 questions fo form .

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